I want to make your reading and shopping experience as safe, satisfying, convenient and pleasurable as possible. I take your privacy very seriously. The information which I receive from you is used to keep in contact with you via email newsletters, to process orders and to provide you with a more personalised shopping experience. This means that your information will not be sold or otherwise divulged to third parties without your prior consent. You have certain rights to access information about yourself and if necessary to ask for it to be corrected.
Contact Details
Gary MollerWebsite: www.garymoller.com
Email: mailto:gary@myotec.co.nz.nz
When sending email:please remove the extra .nz
15 Heaton Terrace
PO Box 7366
Wellington 6242
New Zealand
Phone/fax: 64 4 801 6436
Mobile: 0274 930 979

If you have an Xtra or Yahoo email account and

To get emails from me delivered to you, please add my domain email addresses to your "white list" or "safe senders" list. You do this in your email settings.
I know this is a hassle - blame the spammers - but once you have done it you never need do it again.
Here are the domains to add to your list of "safe senders". You can cut and paste these:
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